Monday, January 8, 2007


Here's our blog; what do you think? Who has blogged before? Any suggestions for the newcomers? Do kids use blogs a lot, or is it mostly people totally interested in computers?

P.S. This is just the intro post spot. To earn Kite Runner points, you have to respond to Kite Runner posts.


Pedro said...

I think that this blog is a good idea, it is another way for us to discuss like in the circle in class. I have blogged before on myspace once but that's it. I don't know who uses blogs most, I normally stick with instant messaging or writing on facebook.


Anonymous said...

so this is an interesting new innovative way of checking up on us and getting us interested in the book.
yes I have blogged before quite often when during my time at my old school-- Villa.
I personally feel the blog are for those interested in computers and have a particular interest like a book(s) or cooking or sports.

PS: I know this isn't for points just felt like writting a comment!

Anonymous said...

Yeah Miss Peel. You're awesome. Who else would think of something like this to do for their students. This is so much more fun than sitting in class and discussing. Even though it's not myspace or nothing, but it's still fun for a school activity!

Unknown said...

Miss. Peel this is a very organized page. Just like you said, it is very easy to navigate and find the things that I need. Good job and when you do plan to do some work to the page, please don't make it pink. Thank you!!

Ali G said...

I never heard of blogging, and I don't have myspaces..but this is really cool! I like this because it helps us all get alot closer. The Kite Runner is the BEST book ever!!

P.S. I can't wait til Italy! :)

Unknown said...

I like the site and idea, but I have never blogged before. I think I'll get used to it. We all get to express ourselves through this instead of having to face a whole circle, where some people get embarrassed to talk.

Gunther said...

Yes, this blogging is a new concept for me. I plan on adding some interesting philosophical information to splinter the mind of all the readers. So, pretty much be prepared.

Big Dub said...

Yoyoyo what up Pizeel?? Bloggin' is da bomb yo.

Chuck Norris said...

Yesssssssssssssssssssss I am pumped!!!! I am going to eat, sleep, and live bolgs. You have to be the blog.

Anonymous said...

Miss Peel i'm trying to sign up for the class for second semester and i don't know what my alternate pin is. I couldn't find your email either. Can you email me and let me know. Thanks