Monday, January 8, 2007

Baba and Amir move to the US

When Amir and Baba move to the States their relationship changes, and Air begins to view his father as a more complex man. Discuss the changes in their relationship. Do you see the changes in Baba as tragic or positive?


Stephanie said...

I think when they came to America, they became more equal. Baba and Amir had nothing, but each other so they became closer. Baba worked for Amir, to be able to put a roof over their heads and put Amir through school. Amir went to school and I believe that Baba was proud how smart his son was and how he made high marks in a foriegn country. I also think that Amir became more protective over his father. In the store scene, when Baba through a fit, Amir helped him out. Amir took care of Baba when he got sick. I see the changes in Baba in a positive light. Without all the wealth and power that Baba had in Afganistan, he wasn't as pig headed. But Baba still had his values and held true to them. He didn't wait around like the General for the war to be over, he worked to make his way in America, still holding his loyalty in his country and not taking it from anyone.

Sam said...

I agree with stephanie, I think that when they came to America it was very different for them both. Baba was not a highly respected man in his community anymore. Like Steph said they only had each other, Baba did not have Rahim Khan and Amir did not have Hassan. They only had each other to rely on and that caused them to become much closer. Now that Hassan is out of the picture Baba had no choice, wheather it be conciouse or not, to praise and accept Amir. Amir had Baba all to himself now. I think the changes in Baba are positve. He still does what he beleives in, like the sceene in the market when he talks about having pride and honor (pg 145).

Big Dub said...

When they arrived in America they were on a clean slate. Baba no longer had the reputation that he once had in Afghanistan. He became a less complex individual and began to blend into the crowd. Even during graduation Amir said his father no longer looked as tall. Amir began to see a different side of Baba focusing more on him without Hassan around. It seemed Baba valued hard work in Afghanistan but changed perspectives to education in America.

McNugget said...

I agree with the prior bloggers on this one, but I also see Baba as the one who went from the king to the peasent. He is no longer having people kiss his hands and praising him, but yet he is a working man with a lower paying job in America, who now values education instead of power and wealth. I beleive Baba now sees his son for whom he is, allowing him to go to junior college to pursue a degree in which he wants and paying for it as well. I see this as a positive growing step for both Baba and Amir. I find it fascinating how people of all kinds (backgrounds) can adapt to different lifestyles and change personalities in order to fit in, or to better the people around them.

Unknown said...

It’s very hard answering all the questions after everyone put their input in them, because I feel as if we all think alike and the things I would want to say are already mentioned, so good job to those who commented ahead of me. I agree with them all. When they moved to America Amir gets more time to spend with his father. I feel as if Amir finally starts to understand his father, that’s why Baba became a complex man. Their relationship became stronger, more talkative, and more on the same ground. In Afghanistan Baba though of working your way to wealth, but now he changed his view to doing what makes you happy and getting a good education, because wealth will come with both of those. Baba tends to compliment Amir and brag about his schooling to his fellow Afghanistan people more than usual. I feel as if they switched roles in some way. Baba wants Amir to think of him as a good father, because he tried to provide Amir with the best. And Amir is now the one who is being viewed as an intelligent young man who will do something great in the future, like his father did in the past. I think Baba’s change is more positive than tragic because he helps his son out rather than focusing his attention on everyone else. If Baba had stayed the same, I don’t think that their relationship would have been the same. So I feel as the change was for the better.

Unknown said...

I feel that after coming to America Amir and his father realize the different life style and become different people in a better way. Baba is no longer seen as this wealthy man helping the community, but he is rather seen as a middle class hard working man. He doesn't have all the money and privileges that he had in Afghanistan. He begins to understand that now it isn't all about the money; he to feels that Amir should do what he likes. Baba is working hard and making a way for him and Amir to live a pleasant life. I think that this was a good thing for Baba because he is now a harder worker than he ever was in Afghanistan, despite the fact that he spent his money to help others. Amir is also a different person. He is helping his dad a lot more and has changed his character because he felt so bad about what he had done to Hassan. Amir still wants to have a career in writing which I feel is a good thing that he didn't change his mind. Amir stands up for his father when he throws a fit and he takes care of him when he is sick. The move to America changed Amir's and Baba's character for the good and made them both better people.

Zerina said...

Growing up, Amir never really experienced a connection with his father. I can recall times in which Amir would sit outside his father's door and listen to his business conversations and wish that he could bond with him like his business partners. Amir somewhat got his wish when he and Baba began working at the flea market. This allowed for both of the men to share a common interest, which in turn strengthened their relationship and allowed for a greater bond to develop. It is difficult to say whether or not I find the changes in Baba tragic or positive, because he was an extremely reputable man when he was in Kabul and stayed one when he moved to the US, just on a different scale. The character of Baba is extremely complex, making it difficult for me to sum him up.

nicole said...

When Baba and Amir got to America, their realationship changed a lot. They only had eqachother so they had to learn to get to know one another and accept eachother. Amir stood up for his father in the store. Baba seemed more caring because he made sure he was making enough money to support and take care of Amir. I think that Baba learned that he wasn't the person he used to be. He wasn't the most well known anymore and he didn't have the best of everything. He learned to take things with more appreciation. Baba and Amir worked together to make a living and I think this brought them closer.

Hans said...

I think the changes in Baba were positive, but they were brought out as a result of tragedy. That tragedy being war and cancer. The war forced them to move which forced Baba to change because in America he had to put his son through school for Amir to amount to anything. I think the bug change in their relationship was brought on by the fact that they were always around each other and that forced Baba to accept Amir. I think the most positive change in Baba is shown when he actually tells someone that Amir is going to be a great writer. It shows that they have come a long way and that Baba wants to show Amir that he is proud of him no matter what.

Anonymous said...

Baba and Amir were definitely closer when they moved to the US. And some things that Amir said to baba I don't think he would have said back then. But Baba also seem to be more proud of Amir. Before it seem like Amir to him was just a disappointment but now it seem like he realized what kind of son he's got. The change in Baba was positive because although he didnt open up about everything, he was more vulnerable to Amir's feelings and thoughts. The fact that he proclaimed Amir's study in storytelling let's you know that he is different.

Unknown said...

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